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Stop Sweating
Drum Chart Builder Has You Covered
If you have to chart music fast or you have 96 songs to chart and you leave in 2 weeks or
you have a gig, audition, show, session or practice and you have only days to get ready, you are in the right place
Try Drum Chart Builder, it is a tool to building simple song charts and setlists fast so you can arrive prepared.
- Full Chart On One Page
- No Bar After Bar Of Notation
- Keep Organized
- Charts Are Clean And Clear
- Works on All Devices Online And Offline
- Export As A Pdf Save And Print and Create an Artists Song Book
- View All Charts and Setilsts On Any Mobile Device
- Preset Drum Pattern Library and Custom Drum Patterns
- Build Charts on Your Computer and Take Your Mobile Device and Go
- Step by Step Tutorial On How To Build Your Charts
Designed by the Author of the book "How to Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart." Liz Ficalora
"I was the one who had to chart 96 songs in two weeks! So I designed Drum Chart Builder."

Endorsed by:

Print and Create Your Own
Artist Drum Chart Songbook.
Did you know that you can build and print charts to create an artist songbook for your gigs and shows?
Check out this video of Nashville Drummer, Debbie Flood as she talks about how she uses Drum Chart Builder.
A Simple No Hassle Approach to Writing a Drum Chart Fast.

You are here because you have to chart music fast or
you have 96 songs to chart and you leave in 2 weeks or
you have a gig, audition, show, session or practice and you have only days to get ready.
Try Drum Chart Builder, is the simple tool to use to build song charts fast and arrive prepared.
- Full Chart On One Page
- No Bar After Bar Of Notation
- Keep Organized
- Charts Are Clean And Clear
- Edit Online And Offline
- Export As A Pdf Save And Print
- View All Charts On Any Mobile Device
- Preset Drum Pattern Library So You Don't Have To Build Notation Patterns
- Step by Step Tutorial On How To Build Your Charts
Designed by the Author of the book "How to Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart." Liz Ficalora
"I was the one who had to chart 96 songs in two weeks! So I designed Drum Chart Builder."
Learn How Instructional Video
How to Add the Drum Chart Builder Icon to
Your Mobile Device and Computer
Drum Chart Builder is a Progressive Web App.
You can add an icon to your mobile device so you have access without going online.
Progressive Web Apps download information to your device so you can work online and offline.
Frequently Asked Questions
Build Your Charts On Your Computer Today and Use Your Mobile Device at Your Gig Tonight.
Works on iPad, iPhone, Mac and PC Computers and Tablets.
Fast and easy, the unique all-in-one program to create drum music for all skill levels.
Build a simple one-page map of a song and add key drum patterns at the bottom to
keep the right groove. Build your setlists at home or at your gig. Edit your charts and setlists
at your rehearsals or gigs so you can play the song right the first time.
Versatility working for you, where you need it: in the practice room, in the studio, or on the road.
Forget your mobile device? Just use your phone. Setlists look great and easy to read.
Fast to Use, Easy To Learn
Use the fast dropdown menus to add song form, count measures and add notation. The program is easy to learn so you can customize your charts your way that works for you.
Build and edit simple drum charts and setlists for your performances directly on stage, on a bus, on a golf course or at outdoor concert with Drum Chart Builder.
View your clean and clear charts and setlist online or offline wherever you are, right on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Discover the first drum charting software available for all devices today, Drum Chart Builder.

Downloads Automatically For Offline Use On All Devices
Drum Chart Builder is a Progressive Web App so you can work online or offline to create your charts and setlist wherever you are. Gig with confidence even if there is no WIFI is available.
Add the app icon to your mobile device like a native app.
No need to open a browser every time.
Fast Track Tutorial
Quick Instruction Tutorial is Available
So You Can Building Your Charts Fast.
Follow the step by step instruction on how to start your first chart.
How to count out the song form and add simple one and two bar patterns.
Follow the simple instruction on how to build a setlist and
use the program as a performance tool to
view all your charts one by one and
count the band in using the visual metronome.
Create and customize any pattern with the Notation Editor — edit, save, change time signature and build a library of your own drum patterns you used the most.
Change line labels from HH to TOMS to create a pattern or fill. Create one or two bar patterns and insert into your chart fast.
Use the Insert Figure library to add notation, rests and symbols to your chart. Add a signature fill right in the song form. Add the cowbell symbol open high hat or diamonds to your chart making it fast to read and easy to play. Simple select a bar to open the dropdown menu and select Insert Figure to open the library.
Export all setlists and charts to a single PDF file for easy sharing, or print all charts and setlists to make beautiful printer ready copies for gigs or your students. Duplicate all charts and setlists when you are working with two artists performing the same song. No need to rebuild the same chart.

Drum Charting Services Available
No time to write your own charts?
Are you in many bands and you need to chart all those songs?
We can help!
$20 per chart
Fast turnaround
We send them to you as a pdf or
upload them into your Drum Chart Builder account.
Ready to find out more?
"Discover How ANY Drummer Can Write A Simple Drum Chart
Without Writing Out Bar After Bar of Notation and
Still Play the Song EXACTLY Like the Recording--Every Time!"
If You Are A Working Drummer, Returning Drummer or a Drummer Who is Ready to Go Pro,
You Can Make Your Gigs and Sessions go smoothly....And I GUARANTEE
You Will Never Miss an Accent or Fill Again!
PDF Instant Download
Endorsed by Rich Redmond
"Liz's system is presented in a concise and well organized manner.
Liz's approach is a great introduction to the steps
needed to get started. The playing examples are clean and well recorded
and the methodical layout of the book makes learning 'fast and easy'!
-Rich Redmond-
The Book Includes
- 56 Pages of Drum Charting Instruction
- 54 tracks of Basic and Advanced Drum Patterns
- 1 Original Song Track to Chart and Play Along
- 15 Drum Charts of Popular and Current Music
- 12 Step Easy Method to Writing a Drum Chart for Cover or Original Music
- 4 Pages of Basic and Advanced Drum Patterns
- 3 Different Blank Charts For Copying

Hard Copy Now Available
Endorsed by Gary Chaffee
"Liz Ficalora's new book, will help students in understanding the various parts of a tune and how they can quickly put together a chart that indicates all the basic information that they will need when performing. Definitely worth checking out.
-Gary Chaffee-
Endorsed by Louie Bellson
How to Write a Fast & Easy Drum Chart is useful and uncomplicated yet musically correct. I recommend it for all drummers, whether they think they are composers or not. Because, in reality, we are!
-Louie Bellson--
Up and Coming Events 2022-2023
About Us
96 Song to chart and the band leaves in two weeks.
At a rehearsal, you are given 5 pages of measure after measure of music to play.
Auditions, how to do you prepare?
Bands and shows, how do you keep organized?
Many drummers every day are faced with this problem and are forced to solve the problem either by hoping they can memorize all the songs or
Drum Chart Services